諷刺社交軟體上的完美人生|Socality Barbie 將走入歷史

今年六月才創立,到現在僅僅過了 22 周,就擁有一百三十萬粉絲的 @Socalitybarbie 和其他有名的 Barbie 帳號有點不同,它利用 Barbie 光鮮亮麗和「或許完美」的外觀,來諷刺世界上許多人在 Instagram 製造完美的「假」生活照,直白一點來說,就是假掰照。

就在稍早創辦人 Darby Cisneros 在該 Instagram 上發表了一則重要貼文,表示很謝謝大家的支持,當初沒有想過這樣荒謬的想法會讓這麼多人心有戚戚焉,如今他覺得已經大功告成,所以將結束這個帳號。繼先前 Essena O’Neill 在影片裡真情流露訴說著這些社交軟體醜陋的背後, 似乎已經越來越多人注意到這項議題,並思考我們看到的人家呈現的「完美生活」究竟是真的,還是營造出來的?


Hey guys, my name is Darby Cisneros and I am the creator of SocalityBarbie. I just wanted to introduce myself and thank all of you for enjoying this account. I started SB as a way to poke fun at all the Instagram trends that I thought were ridiculous. Never in 1 million years did I think it would receive the amount of attention that it did but because of that it has open the door to a lot of great discussions like: how we choose to present ourselves online, the insane lengths many of us go to to create the perfect Instagram life, and calling into question our authenticity and motives. It's been a blast running this account but I believe SB's work here is done. I will be leaving this account open for a while for people still want to look through and enjoy it. Again, thank you for following along. If anyone has any questions or just want to say hi feel free to email me at socalitybarbie@gmail.com ✌️#RIP (account NOT for sale)

A photo posted by Socality Barbie (@socalitybarbie) on





source:Seventeen Magazine

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