MV 狂熱者|Sia《 Alive 》最新音樂錄影帶釋出

Sia 的 MV 總是很有自己的味道,從《 Chandelier 》、《 Elastic Heart 》,再到現在的《 Alive 》,裏頭總是有個戴金髮的主角,以舞蹈來跳出歌曲的張力,獨樹一格的展現方式讓歌曲成功地留在大家的腦海裡。

前陣子上的最新歌曲《 Alive 》,MV 在稍早熱騰騰的釋出了,這次找來一位小男孩帶上此番專輯標誌的金黑假髮,在空無一人的房子裡,隨著 Sia 唱出的第一個音節,開始打起跆拳道來,再隨著最後一個音節結束,小男孩鞠躬下台。聽上去似乎無聊,但卻擁有讓人能從頭到晚看完的魔力,配上歌詞深入意境,你也趕快來看吧!



I was born in a thunderstorm
I grew up overnight
I played alone
I’m playing on my own
I survived
Hey, I wanted everything I never had
Like the love that comes with life
I wore Ambien and I hated it
But I survived

I had a one way ticket to a place where all the demons go
Where the wind don’t change
And nothing in the ground can ever grow
No hope, just lies
And you’re taught to cry in your pillow
But I’ll survive

I’m still breathing*4
I’m alive*4

I found solace in the strangest place
Way in the back of my mind
I saw my life in a stranger’s face
And it was mine

You took it out, but I’m still breathing*8

I had made every single mistake
That you could ever possibly make
I took and I took and I took what you gave
But you never noticed that I was in pain
I knew what I wanted; I went in and got it
Did all the things that you said that I wouldn’t
I told you that I would never be forgotten
I know that’s part of you

And I’m still breathing
I’m still breathing
I’m still breathing
I’m still breathing
I’m alive (You took it out, but I’m still breathing)



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