劃下紛爭的休止符|彩通 Pantone 公佈 2016 年度「雙」色彩

彩通公司 Pantone 自 2001 年起,都會在年末時公佈下一年的年度色彩,如今不知不覺地走到了 2015 的尾聲,稍早 Pantone 宣布了 2016 年的顏色,竟然破天荒的共有兩色一起當 #ColorsoftheYear2016,分別是 Rose Quartz(13-1520)和 Serenity(15-3919)。




2015 年之間在這個世界上發生的紛爭不知幾凡,希望能透過這兩個低彩度的顏色,讓世人好好靜下來,好好地享受這個世界的寧靜,並接受每個人的獨特,期許大家能夠和睦相處,除此之外,也透過這兩個顏色象徵性別的平等及流動,還有呼應多元成家的議題。






Pantone colors of the year 2016 – Rose Quartz and Serenity. #pantone #colorsoftheyear2016 #rosequartz #serenity #colors #design #instagram #instagood Ljubomir Jankovic(@ljubomirjankovic)張貼的相片 於 張貼


Look up ⛅️ #colorsoftheyear2016 #pantone #sephora #sky #brighttimesahead

Camila(@femaleexpression)張貼的相片 於 張貼


@Pantone released the #ColorOftheYear for 2016 last week. Open 👇🏻 to see what it is and products I chose to create a look I’ll be posting later today ☺️ They chose not one, but TWO complementary pairs in #RoseQuartz and #Serenity! These colors represents BALANCE. The hope is for more compassion towards one another and that we don’t forget to slow down in this fast paced and chaotic lives we live in. • @toofaced Melted liquid lipstick in “Peony” @yabycosmetics pearl paint shadow one”Summer Nights” Jewelry: @francescascollections. • #ocmakeupartist #lamakeupartist #ochairandmakeup #lahairandmakeup #makeup #colortheory #pantonemakeup #toofaced #melted #meltedlipstick #francescas #coloroftheyearmakeup #coloroftheyear #toofacedcosmetics #mac #maccosmetics Hikari Murakami(@hikarimurakami)張貼的相片 於 張貼



#coloroftheyear #pantone ❤️ iaiabotti(@iaiabotti)張貼的相片 於 張貼


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