
看起來越美味的甜食,往往也越罪惡,一間來自布拉格的咖啡廳 Good Food: Coffee and Bakery,將人人愛的甜甜圈化身為甜筒,作為霜淇淋的容器,切開剖面還會發現裡面塞滿了水果和鮮奶油,除了甜食之外,也有像是裝了生菜、番茄的鹹食口味,如果將來有要前往捷克去布拉格看看的朋友千萬不要錯過唷!


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Chimney cake with whipped cream and strawberry🍰🍯 #chimneycake #localsnack #goodfood

@2_12chen 張貼的相片 於 張貼


Last day in Prague and I had to get another one of these trdelniks (Slovak pastry grilled and rolled in sugar/walnut mix). I did the American thing and added soft serve.🍦#trdelnik #chimneycake

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀C.s.C.(@breadbunnie)張貼的相片 於 張貼


Chimney Twister #goodfoodkarlova8 #chimney #ham #cheese #rucola #tomato #trdelnik #prague

Good Food Karlova 8(@goodfoodkarlova)張貼的相片 於 張貼


Chimney Berries #goodfoodkarlova8 #chimney #berries #whippedcream #trdelnik #prague

Good Food Karlova 8(@goodfoodkarlova)張貼的相片 於 張貼



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