20 色眼彩 + 5 色唇膏|Urban Decay x 《 Alice in Wonderland 2 》電影限量美妝盤

以眼影盤 Naked 一舉在國外打開知名度的 Urban Decay,也是不少台灣女生找人代購的夢幻逸品,除了Naked 1、2、3,近期將與電影《 Alice in Wonderland 2 》合作推出新的美妝盤,相較早些年前出過的第一集聯名版本,此番裡面有 20 色的眼影與 5 色的唇彩,全部都是限定色系,而包裝符合電影視覺以類似萬花筒的呈現手法,照片一從官方釋出後便讓許多美妝迷瘋轉,預計將於 Urban Decay 與 Sephora 販售,喜歡的朋友不妨多加留意唷!


Repost from @DisneyAlice. We’re headed #ThroughTheLookingGlass #UDinWonderland #SneakPeek

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UD is going back down the rabbit hole! #UDinwonderland

Wende Zomnir(@udwende)張貼的相片 於 張貼


Here is the first #SneakPeek inside the palette 👀👀🙀🙀 #AliceThroughTheLookingGlas#EyeshadowPalette From the upcoming Collection #UDinWonderland by @urbandecaycosmetics The Palette – featuring 20 shades $60 Also includes 5 #Lipsticks $18 each All #LimitedEdition Shades & Packaging Available online & in stores End of April/May @ultabeauty @sephora This is gorgeous!!!! Love the everything about the movie, love #makeup – Best combination What are your thoughts?🎩✨🐇 XO #Trendmood #urbandecay #urbandecaycosmetics #cosmetics #ilovemakeup #makeup #Eyeshadow #beautyblogger #bbloggers #MakeupNews #beauty #fashion #alicethroughthelookingglass #movie pic: EBay THANK U to our Fabulous makeup community for the updates! ⭐️✨💜 #LoveU

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